An Overview of Japan Sabo Association

Name: Japan Sabo Association (abbreviated as JSA)

Address: 2-7-5 Hirakawa-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. 102-0093 Japan

Objective: JSA aims to investigate necessary policies related to erosion and sediment control, landslides and slope failure prevention (called "Sabo and related" hereafter), develop public awareness of projects for "Sabo and related," attempt to prevent and reduce disasters by promoting the above said projects, and contribute to the improvement of public welfare. (Item 3 of the Articles)
In order to achieve the purpose of the preceding article, JSA will carry out the following projects. (Item 4 of the Standing Rules)
(1) Publicizing and engaging in activities to contribute to the expansion and promotion of projects for "Sabo and related"
(2) Making proposals for "Sabo and related" to authorities concerned, and so on
(3) Collecting and providing information on "Sabo and related"
(4) Conducting investigations and research into "Sabo and related" concerning measures
(5) Promoting international technological exchanges on "Sabo and related"
(6) Providing services related to projects described in the preceding (4) and (5)
(7) Developing awareness of and disseminating "Sabo and related" and disaster prevention
(8) Publishing and holding seminars concerning to "Sabo and related"
(9) Participating in and cooperating with scientific societies and organizations whose purposes are compatible with the JSA
(10) Commending those who render remarkable services to the promotion of projects for "Sabo and related," the development of the JSA
(11) Managing and operating the Sabo Hall for general meetings, various events and other uses of the JSA
(12) Carrying out other projects necessary to achieve the purpose of the JSA

Regular members: 1,428 (1,392 municipal members and 36 private members)

Supporting members: 41

Total number of members: 1,469 (as of April 1, 2012)

Directors: 24 to 30 (inclusive of one Chairman, three or less Vice Chairmen, one Director General and one Managing Director)

Inspectors: Two or three (inclusive of Regular Inspectors)

Councilors: 40 to 50

History of Japan Sabo Association
January 1935: Japan Sabo Association was established (as a private organization).
April 2, 1940: Registered as a corporate juridical person with the permission of the Ministry of Interior.
May 1, 1950: The first bulletin, "THE SABO" was published.
August 6-8, 1951: The first seminar on Sabo technology was held.
March 27-28, 1961: The first seminar on Sabo and landslides was held.
March 14, 1974: The first Akagi Award was presented.
March 27, 1984: Annex A was completed.
December 1984: The Sabo Library opened.
March 16, 1993: Schonbach Sabo (Annex B) completed.
2000: Opened the Akagi Memorial Hall and the Sabo Archive.

Guide to Japan Sabo Association